Monday, August 29, 2016

Spirit Week - Tues, 9/6 - Fri, 9/9

Tuesday - 9/6
Lunch game: Finding Seashells - race your friends to find the seashells! (in Auditorium)
Dance tickets sold at lunch $5.00/ticket - near Auditorium Doors

Wednesday - 9/7
Spirit Day: Underwater Day - We’ll start out easy with this one. All you have to do is wear BLUE!
Lunch game: Fish Trivia - answer trivia questions from Finding Nemo or Finding Dory (in Auditorium)
Dance tickets sold at lunch, $5.00/ticket- near Auditorium Doors

Thursday - 9/8
Spirit Day: Favorite Nemo Character Day - Get your creative juices flowing today by dressing up like your favorite character from Finding Nemo or Finding Dory! Wanna be Nemo? Or how about Bruce? Feel free to be creative!
Lunch game: Septapus Relay - try your skill at our three-legged relay! (in Auditorium)
Dance tickets sold at lunch, $5.00/ticket - near Auditorium Doors

Friday - 9/9
Spirit Day: Beach/Floatie Day - Wear your favorite beachwear today -- shorts, Hawaiian shirts, sandals, floppy hats OR your floaties! Be sure you are dressed in a school appropriate manner.
Dance tickets sold at lunch, $5.00/ticket - near Auditorium Doors.

Finding You OUTDOOR Dance, 6-8pm. Drop off procedures are as follows: When dropping off, parents should come in the Woodale entrance, drop students off by door #5/dumpsters and loop around to go out the same way they came in.  For pick up - students will be exiting out of Door #4 (Commons) and parents should park there until their student walks out to them. Parents should then exit using the Cardinal Lane.